Wednesday, March 31, 2010

MTC blessings

So, today we had a follow-up (2nd discussion) with Elder's Bautista and Bennett. Elder Bautista is from the Philipines and now lives in Canada and Edler Bennet is from New Zeland. They are both such cute their dark hair. Last week, they gave us the first lesson....oh, they were so tentative and shy. I even made a note that we really didn't have a lesson...we just talked. week later....what a change. They came in...and I love it, they open with a song and they sing beautifully together. They said it's for inviting the spirit to be there. After a prayer, they told us that they had really thought about what we asked last week (I had kind of forgotten to be honest) but I guess it was Where did we come from, why are we here, where are we know...the golden questions. They had drawn, colored and put together an entire visual presentation (they are quite artistic...evidently Eler Bautista drew and colored while Elder Bennett sang to him) of the Plan of Salvation. It was wonderful...but more wonderful when Elder Bennett bore his testimony of repentance. He had evidently done some pretty heavy things (without his going into detail...just the impression) and needed to apologize to some people and figure out a restitution. It was amazing. Another one of the TRC ladies, June, was in the room with us acting as a neighbor. I think we were all completely blown away by the spirit that was in the room. I was amazed that these two missionaries would have gone to all the trouble to answer my questions....and visually show me what they were talking about. They will be amazing missionaries...they are going to San Francisco. Now...I have two more missionaries to worry and pray for. They have left a spot on my heart....and strengthened my testimony. My prayers this morning was that I would offer something, and I would feel the prayers were answered...powerfully! Love the MTC!!!! Love these young men!!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Special day

What makes one day different from another? Doing the same thing, following the same course, simply putting one foot in front of the other. Thinking ahead about what I'm going to make for dinner....that I need to get some washing and ironing done...and that I really need to seriously think about starting the heavy duty spring cleaning. And, it's Thursday, so we need to get up early to go to the MTC.....but it is my favorite that already makes it special. And a surprise gift, beautifully gift wrapped....and so, exactly what I wanted.....the day changes....not because something out of the ordinary happened....but because of special feelings that transpired.

Over the past couple of days, Erin has reconnected on Facebook with a girl from her mission that they taught and who was baptized. It was the most amazing story...and through this reconnection, Shannon (the girl) shared some amazing stories as well. Her parents joined the church a couple of years later (I believe) and Shannon shared with Erin and Julianne (Erin's bestest companion!!) some talks that her parents had given in church. They were a sweet (and that's the only word to describe them) talks about their testimonies...and about the examples that the members of the ward were....about the friendships that they formed...about the acceptance they had from their LDS neighbors. And Julianne shared her memories from Shannon's "Surprise" baptism. I'm hoping that somehow I can attach these emails. I know Erin doesn't have the time...nor maybe even the desire at this point in her write these things down. So, I'm doing hopes that someday down the road, she may stumble on them and be reminded of what a great missionary she was (is!) and how she truly, truly changed lives. Not just Shannon's, but generations to come, and generations before. Amazing. I am so blessed to have her as my daughter....and my friend. I know we've known each other for eternities...and will for the eternities to come.

The MTC was special today...everything just seems to be making me tear up. Two of the missionaries who "taught" us the discussions....well....we were able to run into them and share our feelings with each other. It was truly a spirit to spirit experience. I will treasure it forever. Today has been filled with spiritual gifts....I need to most of all, remember the FEELINGS, because that's what it's been all about. I may not remember all the details of today....but I want to remember this most special of gifts....the quiet assurance that Heavenly Father knows each of us...and He loves us. He's aware of my family and their individual struggles...He's aware of my prayers for each of them. He's aware of how much I love them.....and how much I appreciate their examples in my life. This has been the most special of ordinary days.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Shopping the mall with the girls

I really wish there were cute fonts for this...but oh, well. It's been awhile since I wrote and I need to put down a few things. It's great having Linny home...and great having most of the family in the same general location. I took the majority of the granddaughters on a mall shopping/trying on/hanging out trip last Saturday. It was crazy...but fun. Angie came so that helped alot. And the mall was just so crowded...maybe it's the idea of spring. I think they had fun trying on clothes, shoes that they would never wear in a million years...and lots of hats and hair dodahs.
I love spending time with them