Saturday, October 17, 2009

Random thoughts

I heard from a dear friend today and she told me about the craziness that's going on in her life. It really got me thinking. First of all, I believe that she is incredibly strong...and I think Heavenly Father knows that because He wouldn't give her more than she could handle. I would hope that I would react...or maybe the word is "act" in such a manner if I found myself in a similar situation. I guess the old saying is true, about everyone putting their problems out there and then being allowed to choose which ones we want....we would always take our own back. I think sometimes we look at others and think that they are living the perfect life....and there is no such thing. Sometimes our problems are visable to others and sometimes they are not.

On a totally unrelated subject. Steve and I went to a Preparedness presentation the other day that was for the community of West Yellowstone. It had nothing to do with the LDS church but had speakers from all different aspects and venues. The fire chief, the red cross, a preparedness expert, etc. It was very informative and inspired me, once again, to at least have the basics. I did find out that West Yellowstone would not be a bad place to be if a disaster stuck (even an earthquake) because water is readily available, along with wood for fires, game for food, etc. I have always had in the back of my mind that our home could be a place of refuge for our family.

No one spoke of preparedness with any religious undertones....until the end and I thought this was VERY interesting. A lot of these people had worked in major disasters and a common thread to get people through the situation was a belief in didn't matter what....just that you had a belief and faith. The other thing they each spoke about was, when it came right down to it, the main thing was to listen to the little voice, the spirit...or whatever you want to call it. One even called it gut instinct...each said....listen to that will never lead you wrong. You may be told to go to a certain area, or some other thing...but that voice will get you through.

The other important thing is to have a plan! The scariest part of something happening is that you'll be separated from your family...have a plan of where to meet, whom to call. They each said that your kids will roll their eyes when you talk to them about this...but they will remember what you said if something happens. I need to remind each of my kids...about having a plan! And Erin's phone numbers in their cell phones...and for her and the kids to have each of our numbers in their phones.

I was also alarmed when each said that they never bring politics or religion into these presentations...but that we need to know that the news we are getting is being very filtered and that our country is falling apart around us. The government WILL NOT be there to rescue you...nor will the Red Cross. The Red Cross said that they go where they can save the most one area....that's not going to be in a small town or in your city if downtown LA is hit by something. They said that the reason they are bringing this up is not to alarm people, but to let them know that we are spiraling out of control and we need to be ready.

They are also very concerned about the h1n1 flu...and said that we're not getting all the information on that. Behind the scenes, the talk is that we could be quarantined in our homes for a minimum of 3 weeks. That means no going to the grocery stores, work, school....anywhere. We need to stock up on water..that's the main thing. Use the empty liter bottles and tie a rope between two of them. Even the youngest child can put that around their neck and carry it. Have at the minimum, some extra peanut butter and crackers around. Things you can eat without having to cook. It's expensive...but buying one extra thing and putting it in the cupboard could actually keep you and your family from starving.

I know that we've heard about this for as long as I can remember....but everything going on has a "different feel" to it now. I think it boils down to knowing that you cannot depend on anyone to help will be on your own....but you will have the spirit to guide you. It frightens me...not so much for me....but for my children and grandchildren. I guess we prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

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