Thursday, January 24, 2013

Daniel Theron Bromley
 George Washington Smith Family
Alma Smith Eidson and Robert Owen Eidson

January 24, 2013

It's been a LONG time since I've written anything down.  Somehow life seems to go faster and faster and even simple tasks become too much.

So...rather than making a lot of excuses (face it...I was somewhat lazy!) I decided that a little writing here and there is better than nothing.

The old family pictures that I've placed on this my way of saying that I've felt that I should concentrate on my family genealogy this winter.  We are not going anywhere (no California or Arizona trips) and are staying here in the just seemed that I seriously need to concentrate on this.  My Aunt Betty, who is not LDS, is big time into genealogy and she has not only inspired me....she lets me use her account on  It's been amazing to find the "little green leaves" that tell me that there is more information on my ancestor.  Seeing the old census reports where they are listed has brought tears to my eyes.  Others (whom I don't know) have graciously posted pictures and stories.  They have added so much to my life.  I had no idea that this would become such an emotional journey.  I am trying to make sure that the work has been completed....but my love is with the stories of these people who have made me who I am.  I feel such a connection!!!  It's very difficult to describe...but I sincerely believe that they have watched over me and been there to cheer me on.  I can't wait to see them again (much, much later, I hope!)